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different types Of Cryptocurrency

The 8 Different Types Of Cryptocurrency

With the increasing popularity of decentralized finance and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), different types of cryptocurrencies have moved into the spotlight.

The world of cryptocurrencies has exploded since Bitcoin first appeared in 2009. Think of it like a digital gold rush, where people are racing to create new types of online money.

But, how many cryptocurrencies are there? There are thousands of these digital currencies, each with its special features and purposes. Understanding them is like having a map in this new frontier. It helps regular folks, businesses, and investors know where to go and what to watch out for.

Whether it’s using digital money to buy stuff online or investing in the next big thing, knowing the basics is key.

This blog is your guide through different types of cryptocurrencies, making it easier for anyone to join the adventure.

Read More: 11 Common Cryptocurrency Scams in 2024
  • Cryptocurrency scams have caused people to lose a lot of money, like $320 million in one hack and over $1 billion stolen since 2021.
  • More scams are happening now. In 2023, there was a 23% increase compared to 2022, and there were big spikes in the third quarter of 2023.
  • Scammers use different tricks to steal money, like fake investment offers, tricking people into giving away their private info, and setting up fake websites. They’re always coming up with new ways to trick people.
  • Types of Cryptocurrencies:

    1. Bitcoin and Its Forks

    Bitcoin (BTC)

    Bitcoin is like the OG of cryptocurrencies – it’s the one that started it all back in 2009. Created by someone mysterious named Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin is special because it doesn’t need banks or governments to work. Instead, it uses blockchain to keep track of transactions, making it incredibly secure and transparent. People often call it digital gold because, like gold, it’s seen as a valuable asset that can protect against problems in traditional money systems. Furthermore, there are different types of Bitcoin as well. Let’s take a look at them. 

    Bitcoin Forks

    Imagine Bitcoin as a big family tree. Sometimes, parts of the family have different ideas about how things should be done. When this happens in the Bitcoin world, it leads to something called a fork. Essentially, a fork creates a new version of Bitcoin with some changes. There are two main types: soft forks, which are minor changes that most people agree on, and hard forks, which create a completely new version of Bitcoin. 

    Key Examples: Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin SV (BSV)

    Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV are like siblings that came from Bitcoin. They were created because some people thought Bitcoin needed to do things differently. Bitcoin Cash wanted to process transactions faster and cheaper by making the blocks bigger. Bitcoin SV wanted to stick closer to Bitcoin’s original design. These forks show how Bitcoin is always changing and evolving, just like a big family with different ideas.

    Bitcoin and its forks are like the pioneers of cryptocurrency, showing us what’s possible with digital money and how it can change the world. Understanding them helps us see the exciting potential of cryptocurrencies and how they’re shaping the future of finance. 

    After looking at types of Bitcoin, let’s look at Altcoins.

    2. Altcoins

    Ethereum (ETH)

    Think of Ethereum as a supercharged version of Bitcoin. Created in 2015 by a guy named Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum can do more than just send and receive money. It’s like a digital playground where people can build all sorts of cool stuff. One of its coolest features is smart contracts, which are like self-executing contracts that automatically do what they’re supposed to without needing anyone to enforce them. This opens the door to things like decentralized apps (DApps), digital identities, and even online voting systems.

    Litecoin (LTC)

    Litecoin is often called the little brother of Bitcoin. It was created in 2011 by a guy named Charlie Lee. While it works a lot like Bitcoin, it’s faster and cheaper to use. For example, if Bitcoin is like sending a letter by regular mail, Litecoin is like sending an email – it gets there quicker and costs less. This makes it a popular choice for everyday transactions and buying everyday things.

    Ripple (XRP)

    Ripple is like the superhero of international money transfers. Created in 2012, Ripple focuses on making it easier and cheaper to send money across borders. Its network connects banks and financial institutions worldwide, allowing them to send money to each other instantly, without all the usual middlemen. This makes it a top choice for things like remittances, where people send money back home to their families in other countries.

    Cardano (ADA)

    Cardano is the new kid on the block with big dreams. Launched in 2017, it’s all about creating a better, safer, and more efficient way to build stuff on the internet. Think of it like a high-tech building site where developers can construct all sorts of cool projects, from financial apps to voting systems. What makes Cardano stand out is its focus on research and testing, making sure everything works just right before it’s released to the world.

    These altcoins – Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and Cardano – are like the superheroes of the cryptocurrency world, each with their special powers and abilities. Understanding them helps us see the amazing potential of digital money and technology beyond just sending and receiving payments.

    3. Stablecoins

    Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies designed to maintain a stable value, often pegged to fiat currencies like the US dollar. They provide stability in the volatile cryptocurrency market, facilitating trading, and cross-border payments, and serving as a reliable store of value.

    The following graph shows the price of Bitcoin in U.S. dollars (USD) compared to Canadian dollars (CAD), illustrating how much each currency fluctuates in relation to Bitcoin.

    price of Bitcoin

    Source: CoinDesk

    How Stablecoins Work

    Stablecoins achieve stability through various methods, including backing by fiat reserves, algorithmic adjustments, or collateralization. Some rely on reserves of fiat currency (like Tether), while others use smart contracts and decentralized mechanisms (like DAI) to maintain their value.

    Popular Stablecoins

    Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC), and DAI are among the most popular stablecoins. Tether is backed by traditional currency reserves, USD Coin is regulated and transparent, and DAI is decentralized and collateralized by assets in the DeFi ecosystem. These stablecoins offer users a reliable means of transacting and storing value in the cryptocurrency world.

    4. Tokens

    Utility Tokens

    Think of utility tokens as special coins that let you do cool things within a specific online world. For example, the Basic Attention Token (BAT) works inside the Brave browser to reward you for watching ads. These tokens can also be used to buy stuff or access exclusive features in apps and games.

    Security Tokens

    Security tokens are like digital versions of ownership papers for real-world stuff, like shares in a company or pieces of property. Unlike utility tokens, which are all about using services, security tokens are regulated by laws because they represent investments. This means they have to follow rules to protect investors and ensure everything’s fair.

    Governance Tokens

    Governance tokens are like voting tickets that let you have a say in how things are run in a digital community. For example, if you own Uniswap (UNI) tokens, you can vote on changes to the Uniswap protocol, like setting fees or adding new features. Similarly, Maker (MKR) tokens let you help decide how the MakerDAO ecosystem operates, including managing its stablecoin DAI.

    Tokens in the crypto world are like Swiss Army knives, each with its own unique function and purpose. Whether they’re used for unlocking features, representing ownership, or governing decentralized projects, understanding how they work helps us navigate the exciting world of blockchain technology.

    5. Meme Coins

    Meme coins are like the class clowns of the cryptocurrency world – born from internet jokes and viral trends. They became popular because of social media, where memes and funny stuff quickly catch on. Meme coins started as a joke but soon grabbed the attention of crypto fans looking for some fun and maybe a chance to make some money. Their names, logos, and online communities make them stand out, drawing people in with their playful vibe.


    Two famous meme coins are Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB).

    • Dogecoin (DOGE): Dogecoin began in 2013 as a joke inspired by the “Doge” meme, featuring a cute Shiba Inu dog. Despite its funny origins, Dogecoin became popular and even got support from big names like Elon Musk. This led to its price going up a lot and more people talking about it.
    • Shiba Inu (SHIB): Shiba Inu is a newer meme coin, also inspired by the Dogecoin craze and the Shiba Inu dog breed. It started in 2020 and quickly became famous as a “Dogecoin killer.” Like Dogecoin, SHIB got a lot of attention on social media, and its price went up because of the hype.

    Meme coins might sound like just a joke, but they’ve become a big deal in the crypto world. They show how powerful internet communities can be and how unpredictable the cryptocurrency market can get. While they’re fun to watch, it’s essential to be careful because their prices can go up and down a lot.

    6. Privacy Coins

    Privacy coins are like secret agents in the world of cryptocurrency, protecting your financial privacy in a world where digital footprints are everywhere. Imagine if every time you bought something online, everyone could see exactly what you bought and how much you spent. That’s where privacy coins come in – they keep your transactions private, so no one else can see what you’re up to. In an age of increasing surveillance and data breaches, privacy coins give you back control over your financial information and keep your digital identity safe.

    Popular Privacy Coins

    Two popular privacy coins you might have heard of are Monero (XMR) and Zcash (ZEC).

    • Monero (XMR): Monero is like the ninja of privacy coins, with super stealthy features that make your transactions untraceable. It uses fancy tech like ring signatures and stealth addresses to hide who’s sending money to whom and how much. With Monero, your transactions stay private and anonymous, giving you peace of mind when you’re handling your finances online.
    • Zcash (ZEC): Zcash gives you the power to choose how private you want your transactions to be. It offers both transparent transactions, which are like regular transactions and show all the details, and shielded transactions, which use fancy math to keep everything confidential. With Zcash, you can decide when and where to use extra privacy, depending on your needs.

    7. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Tokens

    Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, is like a new kind of financial system that’s shaking up the old way of doing things. Instead of relying on banks and other big institutions, DeFi uses computer technology to make financial services available to everyone, without any middlemen. It’s all about giving people more control over their money and creating opportunities for anyone with an internet connection to access loans, earn interest, and trade assets directly from their computer or phone.

    What is DeFi?

    DeFi is basically like a digital playground where you can do all sorts of financial stuff without needing a bank. Instead of having a bank manage your money, DeFi uses computer programs called smart contracts to handle transactions. These smart contracts are like digital agreements that automatically execute when certain conditions are met. This makes transactions faster, cheaper, and more transparent than traditional banking.

    Key DeFi Tokens

    Two important players in the DeFi world are Aave (AAVE) and Compound (COMP).

    • Aave (AAVE): Aave is like a digital lending platform where you can lend out your crypto and earn interest, or borrow crypto by putting up collateral. It’s all done without a bank – just you and the smart contracts. With Aave, you can earn interest on your savings or get a loan without having to deal with a bank’s paperwork.
    • Compound (COMP): Compound works similarly to Aave, allowing you to earn interest on your crypto or borrow against it. It’s like a digital bank that’s open to everyone, no matter where you are in the world. The compound also rewards users with its cryptocurrency, COMP, for participating in the platform.

    8. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

    Think of NFTs as special digital certificates that prove you own something unique online. Unlike regular cryptocurrencies that you can exchange for equal value, each NFT represents something one-of-a-kind, like digital art, music, or even virtual land. What’s cool is that NFTs are stored securely on a blockchain, kind of like a digital ledger, so everyone can see who owns what.

    What makes NFTs unique?:

    What sets NFTs apart is that each one is unique and can’t be divided into smaller pieces. They also come with extra info, like who made them and who owns them, which makes them perfect for collecting digital stuff like art or virtual items.

    Popular NFT Projects:

    Two hot NFT collections everyone’s talking about are CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club.

    • CryptoPunks: CryptoPunks are like the OGs of NFTs, each one being a unique little pixel art character. They might look simple, but they’re super rare and valuable, with some selling for millions of dollars!
    • Bored Ape Yacht Club: Bored Ape Yacht Club is another big hit, featuring a bunch of unique cartoon apes. If you own one, you get access to an exclusive online community and cool perks, making them highly sought after in the NFT world.

    Also Read: Upcoming NFT Projects

    These NFT projects show how digital collectibles are becoming a big deal, offering new ways for artists, creators, and collectors to connect and trade in the digital world. As NFTs continue to grow, they’re changing the way we think about owning and sharing digital treasures online.

    Read More: 3 Types of Cryptocurrencies to Avoid If Security Is Your Priority
  • Avoid meme coins due to their susceptibility to scams and lack of security measures.
  • Look for established cryptocurrencies with market capitalizations exceeding $1 billion.
  • Trade on reputable exchanges like Coinbase Global to mitigate the risk of investing in less credible cryptocurrencies.
  • Conclusion – How Many Cryptocurrencies are There

    There are different types of cryptocurrencies, each offering something unique. You’ve got Bitcoin, the OG of the crypto world, known for being reliable like digital gold. Then there are altcoins, stablecoins, tokens, meme coins, privacy coins, DeFi tokens, and NFTs – each with its specialty, whether it’s speeding up transactions, keeping things private, or letting you own digital art. Looking forward, it’s important to keep an eye on things like rules from governments, big companies getting into crypto, new tech, how crypto fits with regular money, and ways to make crypto more eco-friendly. Keeping up with these trends will help you navigate this exciting world and make the most of what crypto has to offer.

    ZenLedger can help you easily calculate your crypto taxes, and also find opportunities for you to save money and trade smarter. Get started for free now or learn more about our tax professional-prepared plans!

    Disclaimer: This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide tax, legal, or financial advice. You should consult your tax, legal, and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.


    1. What type of crypto is best?

    The “best” type of cryptocurrency depends on what you’re looking for. Some people feel safer investing in well-known ones like Bitcoin and Ethereum because they’ve been around a long time and lots of people use them. Others might prefer newer cryptocurrencies with exciting ideas or special features. It’s kind of like picking the best car – it depends on what you need and what you like. Just remember to do your research and consider what fits your goals and comfort level before investing.

    2. What are the 3 most popular cryptocurrencies?

    The three most popular cryptocurrencies right now are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Binance Coin (BNB). Bitcoin is like the original cryptocurrency and is seen as a digital version of gold. Ethereum is known for its smart contract feature, allowing people to build all sorts of things on its platform, like apps and games. Binance Coin is used on the Binance exchange, kind of like how you use tokens at an arcade – it helps with trading and gives you special perks within the exchange. These three are the big players in the world of digital money right now.

    3. How many types of cryptocurrencies exist today?

    Cryptocurrencies come in various forms, including the well-known Bitcoin and its offshoots, other coins like Ethereum and Litecoin, stablecoins with stable values like Tether, digital tokens representing assets or rights, playful meme coins like Dogecoin, private coins for anonymous transactions, unique digital items known as NFTs, and tokens used in decentralized finance (DeFi) for lending and trading. Each type serves different purposes, from making transactions to collecting digital art or participating in decentralized finance activities.



